GSoC2011SfM  0.1
Google Summer of Code 2011: Structure from motion
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes
OpencvSfM::MatchingThread Struct Reference

This struct is used by boost::thread object to compute match. I used some semaphore to ensure the matching process work well. More...

#include <Boost_Matching.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CREATE_STATIC_MUTEX (thread_concurr)
 Used to start as many thread as processors.
 CREATE_STATIC_MUTEX (thread_unicity)
 Used around critical sections.
 MatchingThread (cv::Ptr< SequenceAnalyzer > seq_analyser, unsigned int i)
void operator() ()

Public Attributes

unsigned int i
 Index of source image. This image will be matched against every other.
cv::Ptr< SequenceAnalyzerseq_analyser
 This object contains every sequence related info (images, points, tracks...)

Static Public Attributes

static size_t size_list
 size of list images of points. It's the same for every thread, so set once for every thread before runing computation.
static std::vector< cv::Mat > masks
 List of mask to hide some points in the matching computation.
static std::vector< cv::Ptr
< PointsToTrack > > * 
matches_ = NULL
 List of every Points for track (points of other images to match)
static unsigned int mininum_points_matches = 50
 Minimum matches between two images to accept the matches.
static PointsMatchermatch_algorithm = NULL
 The algorithm to use for matching.
static double total_matches = 0
 Total of matches where are trying to find.
static double current_match_ = 0
 Current iteration of algorithm.
static bool print_progress_ = true
 If true, the progress will be shown.

Detailed Description

This struct is used by boost::thread object to compute match. I used some semaphore to ensure the matching process work well.

Definition at line 17 of file Boost_Matching.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpencvSfM::MatchingThread::MatchingThread ( cv::Ptr< SequenceAnalyzer seq_analyser,
unsigned int  i 

Constructor of a thread.

seq_analyserthe sequence related infos
iIndex of source image. This image will be matched against every other

Definition at line 25 of file Boost_Matching.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void OpencvSfM::MatchingThread::operator() ( )

Thread implementation...

Definition at line 33 of file Boost_Matching.cpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Variables