GSoC2011SfM  0.1
Google Summer of Code 2011: Structure from motion
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
OpencvSfM::CameraThis class represent the physical device which take the pictures. It is not related to a 3D position which is the role of the PointOfView class. The role of the class is to store only device related informations like intra parameters, radial and tangential distotion. This abstract class is not related to a type of camera ( fish eyes... )
OpencvSfM::CameraPinholeThis class represent the physical device which take the pictures. It is not related to a 3D position which is the role of the PointOfView class. The role of the class is to store only intra parameters ( without radial distortion )
OpencvSfM::CameraPinholeDistorThis class represent the physical device which take the pictures. It is not related to a 3D position which is the role of the PointOfView class. The role of the class is to store intra parameters and radial distortion
OpencvSfM::EuclideanEstimatorThis class perform a projective estimation of the motion. Given points matches and cameras with intra parameters, it tries to find the best cameras positions and 3D points. Does not perform a bundle ajustement!
OpencvSfM::ImageLinkThis structure store an image link ( two image ids )..
OpencvSfM::ImagesGraphConnectionThis class modelizes the images graph connections
OpencvSfM::MatcherSparseFlowA class used for matching points between two images
OpencvSfM::MatchingThreadThis struct is used by boost::thread object to compute match. I used some semaphore to ensure the matching process work well
OpencvSfM::MeshThis class is used to handle a entire mesh
OpencvSfM::MotionProcessorThis class try to create a commun interface for files loading. Indeed, if you want to use webcam, avi file of list of files, you will have to do some annoying processing, like iterate the different files of the directory. With MotionProcessor, you can now use a folder of image the same way you use a webcam or a video file
OpencvSfM::mapping::PointThis structure will handle conversions between OpenCV and PCL data
OpencvSfM::PointOfViewThis class represent the 3D position of the device which take the pictures. The role of the class is to store everything related to the filed of view: picture, 3D position, points, matches and 3D points
OpencvSfM::PointsMatcherA class used for matching descriptors that can be described as vectors in a finite-dimensional space
OpencvSfM::PointsMatcherOpticalFlowA class used for matching points between two images
OpencvSfM::PointsToTrackThis class can be used to store informations about point and features. This is an abstract class: you can't use it directly. Use for instance PointsToTrackWithImage
OpencvSfM::PointsToTrackWithImageThis class can be used to find points and features in pictures using SIFT detector
OpencvSfM::PolygonThis class is used to handle a facet of a mesh
OpencvSfM::SequenceAnalyzerThis class tries to match points in the entire sequence. It follow ideas proposed by Noah Snavely: Modeling the World from Internet Photo Collections
OpencvSfM::StructureEstimatorThis class tries to find the 3D structure using a sequence and cameras fully parameterized
OpencvSfM::TrackOfPointsThis class store the track of keypoints. A track is a connected set of matching keypoints across multiple images
OpencvSfM::VisualizerThis class can be used to view the differents object involved in current structure from motion process
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