GSoC2011SfM  0.1
Google Summer of Code 2011: Structure from motion
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
OpencvSfM::mapping::Point Struct Reference

This structure will handle conversions between OpenCV and PCL data. More...

#include <PCL_mapping.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Point (const Point &otherP)
Pointoperator= (const Point &otherP)
 Point ()
 Point (float *data, int sizeOfBuf=4)
template<typename Type , int size>
 Point (cv::Vec< Type, size > &v)
template<typename Type , int size>
 Point (cv::Matx< Type, size, 1 > &matX)
 Point (cv::KeyPoint &kp)
 Point (pcl::PointXY &pXY)
 Point (pcl::PointXYZ &pXYZ)
 Point (pcl::PointXYZI &pXYZi)
 Point (pcl::InterestPoint &iP)
 Point (pcl::PointWithRange &pPWR)
 Point (pcl::PointXYZRGBA &pXYZ1)
 Point (pcl::PointXYZRGB &pXYZ2)
 ~Point ()
template<typename Type , int size>
 operator cv::Matx< Type, size, 1 > & ()
template<typename Type , int size>
 operator cv::Vec< Type, size > & ()
template<typename Type >
 operator cv::Point3_< Type > & ()
 operator cv::KeyPoint & ()
 operator pcl::PointXY & ()
 operator pcl::PointXYZ & ()
 operator pcl::PointXYZI & ()
 operator pcl::InterestPoint & ()
 operator pcl::PointWithRange & ()
 operator pcl::PointXYZRGBA & ()
 operator pcl::PointXYZRGB & ()

Public Attributes

float * data_
 values of datas
unsigned char size_of_data
 Size of data buffer.
bool should_remove
 Used to know if data were allocated.

Detailed Description

This structure will handle conversions between OpenCV and PCL data.

Definition at line 140 of file PCL_mapping.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( const Point otherP) [inline]

Copy constructor ( deep copy! )

Definition at line 149 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( ) [inline]

Init data using the max size of points in both library ( 8 floats )

Definition at line 181 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( float *  data,
int  sizeOfBuf = 4 
) [inline]

Init data using previously allocated buffer

datavalues of point to convert
sizeOfBufin number of float, the size of point

Definition at line 188 of file PCL_mapping.h.

template<typename Type , int size>
OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( cv::Vec< Type, size > &  v) [inline]

Init data using an opencv vector

vinput vector

Definition at line 197 of file PCL_mapping.h.

template<typename Type , int size>
OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( cv::Matx< Type, size, 1 > &  matX) [inline]

Init data using an opencv matrix

matXinput matrix

Definition at line 212 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( cv::KeyPoint &  kp) [inline]

Init data using an opencv KeyPoint

kpinput KeyPoint

Definition at line 226 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( pcl::PointXY &  pXY) [inline]

Init data using a PCL KeyPoint

pXYinput KeyPoint

Definition at line 234 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( pcl::PointXYZ &  pXYZ) [inline]

Init data using a PCL KeyPoint

pXYZinput KeyPoint

Definition at line 241 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( pcl::PointXYZI &  pXYZi) [inline]

Init data using a PCL KeyPoint

pXYZiinput KeyPoint

Definition at line 246 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( pcl::InterestPoint &  iP) [inline]

Init data using a PCL KeyPoint

iPinput KeyPoint

Definition at line 251 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( pcl::PointWithRange &  pPWR) [inline]

Init data using a PCL KeyPoint

pPWRinput KeyPoint

Definition at line 256 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( pcl::PointXYZRGBA &  pXYZ1) [inline]

Init data using a PCL KeyPoint

pXYZ1input KeyPoint

Definition at line 261 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::Point ( pcl::PointXYZRGB &  pXYZ2) [inline]

Init data using a PCL KeyPoint

pXYZ2input KeyPoint

Definition at line 266 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::~Point ( ) [inline]

Destructor of PCL point convertor. Free allocated data if needed.

Definition at line 272 of file PCL_mapping.h.

Member Function Documentation

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator cv::KeyPoint & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to opencv KeyPoint:

Definition at line 302 of file PCL_mapping.h.

template<typename Type , int size>
OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator cv::Matx< Type, size, 1 > & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to opencv Matx:

Definition at line 279 of file PCL_mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator cv::Point3_< Type > & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to opencv Point3_:

Definition at line 295 of file PCL_mapping.h.

template<typename Type , int size>
OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator cv::Vec< Type, size > & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to opencv Vec:

Definition at line 287 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator pcl::InterestPoint & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to PCL KeyPoint:

Definition at line 327 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator pcl::PointWithRange & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to PCL KeyPoint:

Definition at line 333 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator pcl::PointXY & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to PCL KeyPoint:

Definition at line 309 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator pcl::PointXYZ & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to PCL KeyPoint:

Definition at line 315 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator pcl::PointXYZI & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to PCL KeyPoint:

Definition at line 321 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator pcl::PointXYZRGB & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to PCL KeyPoint:

Definition at line 345 of file PCL_mapping.h.

OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator pcl::PointXYZRGBA & ( ) [inline]

Conversions operators to PCL KeyPoint:

Definition at line 339 of file PCL_mapping.h.

Point& OpencvSfM::mapping::Point::operator= ( const Point otherP) [inline]

operator =( deep copy! )

Definition at line 157 of file PCL_mapping.h.

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