Apycom jQuery Menus

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ChildSectionClass ChildSection Contains a subsection which is displayed with a horizontal sliding effect
DIRECTDRAW_GDIStructure used to save info about surface (image, screen...)
DirectDrawWarpClass DirectDrawWarp This class is responsible for displaying the window
ElementClass Element : provide basic functions..
EventHandlerClass EventHandler This class will be your command center..
GDI_OVERLAYStructure used to save info about overlay (surface printed above current drawing)
GlobalInformationsGlobalInformation Class (singleton!) Used to save global informations like resources directory or painting buffers..
ICONDIRIcon structs (msdn : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997538.aspx)
ICONDIRENTRYIcon structs (msdn : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997538.aspx)
ICONIMAGEIcon structs (msdn : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997538.aspx)
LocalisedStringLocalisedString header used to print errors messages in different language
MessageBoxSenseClass MessageBoxSense To print a messagebox
MouseCtrlClass MouseCtrl Used to control user gesture (scrolling, clicks...) With this class, you can know if user try to click, double click, do a long press, scroll up/down or left/right
MyEditControlClass MyEditControl An input text with an adjustable width Easy get and set text
MyItemClass MyItem Different items : Button (3 types), checkboxes and switch (TripleState!)
MyLabelClass MyLabel Used to print text The text is first printed into a surface to speed later rendering..
MyPanelClass MyPanel This element is a sub section and is used to bring together elements
MyPictureBoxClass MyPictureBox Used to print a picture (can be stretchable)
MySelectorClass MySelector Used to draw dropdown list
MySliderClass MySlider Used to draw an horizontal slider You have two type of sliders : a common slider and a slider which return to origin when released
SectionClass Section The main panel of your application When you create an element, you must add to this section to be printed to screen
Thibault LELORE